Friday, September 23, 2011

Food for Thought

     The weeks go by so unbelievable fast here.  This past week we had a Benjamin field trip on Monday, which was amazing.  We drove from Yad Hashmonah (where we are staying), to Kiriat-jearim, to Emmaus (the administrative centor of the Aijalon Valley in N. T. times), to Gezer (the administrative center of the Aijalon Valley in O.T. times, it was also given to Solomon a part of a dowry with Pharaoh's daughter), to Beth Horon and the Valley of Aijalon (Josh 10 - the Amorites fled from the Israelites while God threw hailstones down and took them out), to Nebi Samwil (I Ki 3 and 2 Chron 1:1-13 - possibly the "High Place of Gibeon" where Solomon asked God for wisdom), to Gibeon (Joshua 9 - the Canaanite/Hivite inhabitants tricked Joshua into a peace treaty), to Gibeah of Saul (1 Sam 15:34 - Saul makes Gibeah the capital of the monarchy), to Ramah (home and burial of Samuel) to Geba - Michmash, The Pass (where Joshua crossed on his all night journey from Gilgal to Gibeon, Jonathan crawled across to fight the Philistines, and the Assyrian threat during Hezekiah's reign occurred), through the Judean Wilderness, and lastly to Jericho (Joshua 6 - the walls come down).  While we traveled to each location we drove on the main ridge routes  that Jesus and others would have taken.  I loved seeing the layout of the land and how close in proximity everything is to Jerusalem.  My favorite part continues to be reading the Bible and picturing the land that the event is actually taking place at - everything is coming together in the Bible and it only becomes more exciting everyday as I continue to understand and know more about the people, places, and events of the Bible.
     Well that was only Monday, luckily the rest of the week we just had classes; however my brain does feel overloaded with all the new material covered.  I thought I would share some things I learned in a few of the classes.  In History of Ancient Israel we were going over the Covenant God made with his people in Deuteronomy.  At the end we discussed the key ideas that are still applicable and makes you think.  1. Remember what God has done (Deut 6:10).  Remember what God has done in the past to give you confidence for the future.  Remember so that you don't abandon God (Deut 8).  This seems like a very basic, no brainer point but then I thought to myself how often do I abandon God?  2.  Tell others what God has done for you, specifically your children (Deut 6:20).  3. Serve the Lord according to His Rules!  This is the key theme in Deuteronomy and The 10 Commandments.  4. Heart - Obedience requires the right heart (Deut 6:5).  There are many things you can do for God or for others, but you must examine yourself and the motive behind doing it, do you have the right heart the right attitude. 5. Separate - how do you distinguish/separate yourselves from others.  Do you set an example and lead not only by your words, but your actions as well (Deut shall be holy because I am holy). 6. Divine initiative (Deut 7) God chose them, God chose you.  7/8.  Obedience brings blessings while disobedience brings consequences.   The following day we were discussing the Conquest and why scholars advocate different stories then what the Bible says.   Benj said something that really struck me, he said "Without the eyes of faith you should not expect somebody to adhere to the Bible."  So often I look at those that are lost and think how do you not know, it is so simple.  I have to remind myself that God has opened my eyes to the truth so I see that it is black and white.  Those that are lost couldn't be more blind to the faith.  I am reminded of how God has blessed me and the compassion I should show to the lost.  I pray that God would continue to open the eyes of the lost to see the truth as He has done for me.  On a different note, in my Israel in the Second Temple Period class we were discussing the Jew's return and going over the reflection and application.  We can learn several things from them:  1. The Jews were sensitive to God's leading.  The Lord talks to us today through the Bible, prayer, teaching, the Holy Spirit, and people.  The question is are you sensitive to God's leading?  The Lord can lead us in different ways, but the bottom line is are you sensitive to his leading?  2. The Jews were willing to make the necessary sacrifices in order to accomplish God's will/purposes.  James 4:17 says "whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin."  Do you feel God leading you one way, but you are hesitant to follow - Don't, trust him and take a leap of faith.  Is our God not big enough to handle all the minor and major details of our lives?  3. The Jews got distracted from serving the Lord and buried themselves with their own activities rather than Gods.  This one definitely hit me as I feel like I am so consumed with school, friends, the future, and life in general that God gets lost somewhere in the middle.  I must be careful not to get distracted and continually remind myself what is most important and that is my relationship with God.   4.  Lastly in the end the Jews obeyed God joyfully.  Do you serve God joyfully?  Well I wanted to share those with you as these are a few things God has been challenging me with.  I pray that He is challenging you daily and you continue to get to know your Lord.

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